about gigaeon.com
gigaeon.com is published by Ronald L Stone. the term 'gigaeon' is derived from a metric prefix scheme.
this web site is presented with a commitment to reflect the use of best practices wherever possible.
fun facts about metric prefixes
- metric prefixes are used worldwide to refer to large numbers
- prefix mega is symbolized M
- prefix giga is symbolized G
- mega means 10 to the sixth power
- giga means 10 to the ninth power
- communicate more clearly with metric prefixes
- read more about SI (international system of units)
- read more about ICAS (integrated chronological applications system)
- read AAT ICAS poster about metric terms for large and small numbers
gigaeon.com copyright © 2011 UCA and prior, Ronald L Stone, all rights reserved. terms of use. contact.
gigaeon.com document updated: |
UCN 12011 Q18 Green ✦ IDC UT t790 tt150 |
day of year 078 |
AD 2011 March 19 Saturday ✦ SMH UT 18:57:49 |