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additional information
the term 'gigaeon' is derived from a metric prefix scheme. the term 'gigaeon' is moreover specified by AAT ICAS as a metric-prefix scheme alternative for a customary term such as 'billion' (North American) or 'milliard' (European). the use and reference of the term 'gigaeon' on gigaeon.com is made without any intentional infringement, and does not imply any limitation on the standards or trademarks of Alliance for the Advancement of Technology or other similar parties. that said, gigaeon.com is a trademark of Ronald L Stone.
the publisher of gigaeon.com also wishes to reference the following terms of use stated for the enhanceability.com web site: trademark information, and 'ICAS in use' information.
gigaeon.com document updated: |
UCN 12011 Q18 Green ✦ IDC UT t790 tt150 |
day of year 078 |
AD 2011 March 19 Saturday ✦ SMH UT 18:57:49 |